Today is the day, Forge is back. Apple has approved the new version of Forge by Co (thanks for the quick approval Apple) and it is available now for download in the app store. This is your final step in transferring over with us from Adonit to Co. We are super excited to come out on the other side with such a loyal group of customers. Sounds corny but it’s true.

You can download the new version of Forge by Co here. Once you’ve downloaded the new version of Forge by Co from the App Store you will be prompted with two easy steps to copy your projects from the previous version of Forge by Adonit to the new version of Forge by Co. It should be a simple transfer, but don’t hesitate to reach out to or on social media if you have any questions or issues.

The release of Forge by Co has been months in the working and marks the beginning of a new adventure for us. We have been working to build a company around Forge. In the background we have been quietly working on new features, a brand for Co, and raising investment. We have big plans for Forge and we are excited to have you along for the ride.

We appreciate your dedication to Forge. Don’t hesitate to share some of your work with us. That’s what keeps us going.


Kris Perpich - CEO

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